

Wednesday 6 August 2014



I did some shopping two weeks ago and thought: Let's show dem peeps. I got a few things for my room and I quite like it.

So first up is the jar.

It's a jar of glass and see through. The text on it says: "live your dreams."
I have no clue what I am gonna do with it, but I saw it in the shop and I had to buy it. I actually am not a girl that loves to shop, but sometimes you just see something that you need to have. Well, that was this haha.
As you maybe can see, there's some money in it. That's because maybe I'm gonna throw money in it once a while to save up some money.
I want to go to a foreign country so badly! So maybe next year this time I'm preparing to go the UK or the US for a year. Let's hope for it. *Fingers crossed*

Second up is the notebook.
Same as with the jar, I have no clue as what I am gonna use it for.
I just thought it looked so incredibly cute and yeah. I bought it.
The front has travel stickers on it. Stickers like: Paris, Melbourne, London etc.
The back says: "Travelling is the only thing you buy that makes you richer."
I do agree with that! I would love to travel more, but no money. And you pay money to go on a trip, but what you makes you so much richer. Nature, people, cultures you've never seen before. Amazing.
So thay was it. I will upload another blog post soon and thanks for reading!

Much love,


Wednesday 4 June 2014


Hii guys! *awkward wave*

So this will be an introduction.  

Basically I started this blog, because I want to write (duh haha). I want to write about my life, things I love etc. But then anonymous. No judging from the people around me. Not thinking about the things they will say. Or what they will think.

I'm a seventeen years old girl from Holland. So no, English isn't my mother language. Even though I sometimes hear from native speakers that if I wouldn't tell an English speaking person English isn't my mother language, I could trick them.

I absolutely have a thing for Youtubers. Maybe because they aren't world famous (yet) or just because of their personality. Even though you never know the person personally. But I don't know. I love to watch their videos and love to fangirl over them.

I also love sports. I play a Dutch sport called korfball. I don't know of anyone of you knows it, but I think it's great and I love it. I have practice 2 times a week and a match every Saturday. But now we have a summer stop. Meh.

Further on, I love my friends. I guess everyone says this, but I do too, so I say it haha.
Seriously, believe me, my friends are weird. But that's why I love them. I won't say names though. But I have two best best friends and three best friends. I do realize now, that only one of them has brown hair and the other four are blonde. I have dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. People often ask me, when they don't know me, if one of my parents is a foreigner. No. None of them is. Oooh waaait. I was talking about my friends!

Let me try again. Okay so as you know now, I have two best best friends and three best friends. They
are the only people I really acknowledge as friends. The rest are just the people around me who talk to me sometimes and/or the people in school. I could describe my friends right now, but I won't. Not yet.

Uhm... what else. Oh! I have one dog. And it's a cutie. Even though he can be aggressive sometimes. Oops. We also have another dog. But he is more the family dog. And that dog. Omg. It's such a cutie! He accepts everything, as long as he can be with us. He's adorbs. But he is getting old though:(
We also have some fish, but I don't really care about them. It's just that they are swimming around in the pond in our back yard. Nothing more.

I think this is it for today, but I'll write about another thing soon again.


Rainbow drops and golden coins are falling to the earth! * Pew*